TTAB Litigation

When one party seeks to challenge the veracity of another party’s trademark registration, it often takes the form of an opposition or cancellation before the Trademark Trial and Appeals Board (TTAB). These proceedings are very similar to civil litigation, including initial pleadings, discovery, briefing, oral argument and, in some cases, trials.  At Renner Otto, we bring the combination of our significant civil litigation experience and our substantial practice before the TTAB to bear on such matters.

For each opposition and cancellation, we work to develop an overall case strategy early in the engagement, and then focus our efforts on executing that strategy.  This might mean attempts at an early settlement, or a concerted effort to take the case trial, or something in between.  Ultimately, the emphasis is on achieving the best results for our clients.  That is why we work with our clients to help them understand the pros and cons of many different strategies, as well as the time frame and cost associated with each strategy.